Glass artist’s Ernest Vitins’ exhibition “WITHIN THE GLASS LABYRINTH”, acknowledged and nominated by art critics and supported by the public over two rounds of voting, became the best visual art event in Latvia in 2019. Ernest Vitin received the national annual award “Kilogram Culture 2019” in the Visual Arts category.
Glass sculptor Ernest Vitin expresses his gratitude to everyone who had the opportunity to visit and appreciate the exhibition. He is very thankful to the active voters for their support, without whose contribution it would not have been possible. And, moreover, he is grateful to all volunteers who helped through the final preparations building the massive glass sculptures and installations openhandedly:
Lizete Namniece, Annija Porša, Edgar Jemelyanov, Marten Laanjaerv, Liva Kharkevich, Roberts Balins, Tom Herings, Lilita Pudule, Biruta Elisa Kirmushka, Davis Vaivods, Lasma Bringina, Santa Kivleniece, Alexandra Frederika Krastina.
The team, without which the monumental glass artworks would not have built themselves, would not have found their place in the current space and time, and would not have reached the public with such a resonanse:
Katriona Luize Rozlapa, Luize Lismane, Linda Namniece, Ernests Ronis, Martins Kalnins, Evita Valdmane, Renate Kalmikova, Krista Ancane, Sandis Zundurs, Inga Estere Rone, Agrita Alksere, Kaspars Ulmanis.
Thank you to the sponsors of the exhibition: “Stikla serviss”, “Saknes un spārni”, “Brīvais Vilnis “.
And thank you to the excellent artists who made the glass labyrinth vibrate beautifully during the musical evenings: Pianist Agnese Egliņa, DJ Monsta, Juris Āzers and storyteller Orests Silabriedis.
“I want to thank everyone who believed in me and supported me in my creative career, especially at the beginning of my professional career.
My gratitude to the management of the Riga Art Space and Luīze Lismane for trusting such a mad idea from a little known author. Riga Municipal Association of Cultural Institutions, which granted funding and Inese Rone.
GLASS LABYRINTH would not have been possible without Katriona Luīze Rožlapa! Katriona showed a colossal determination to organize an exhibition for glass artist Ernest Vitin. She found the perfect venue for the exhibition and, despite seemingly impossible task to organize everything in such a short time, she delivered the best exhibition of the year.
Materializing one’s creative ideas is a challenging task, which most often pushes artists to abandon their plans and intentions. I am incredibly fortunate to be able to work with Ernest Ronis, who has a degree in finance, for almost 9 years now. Together we have been able to keep going on, even in situations where it seemed wiser to close our workshop. I think we can be proud of our steps and decisions keep moving on without giving up.
I am also very happy and grateful for our cooperation with Mārtiņš Kalniņš. Mārtiņš joined the team during his studies at the Latvian Academy of Art. We have worked hard side by side learning to make monumental layered glass sculptures at the Glasstone workshop. We have discovered many know-hows together and are continuously finding better and more exciting ways of working with glass.
And a great thank you, from the bottom of my heart to Linda Namniece in particular. Often, even without noticing, it is she who has created the necessary ground for us to create monumental glass artwork. Due to her tremendous dedication, Glasstone glass memorials have found their owners across several continents and have travelled across the ocean several times. Linda took part in the exhibition partly as an organizer and, together with the Riga Art Space, made sure that the exhibition was well attended.
Once again, thank you very much! May your every day be an art day #everydayanartday! Yours..." - Ernests Vitins